Unlock your career potential

Connect, learn & grow

Get ready for three days of unmissable talks from leading minds in the teaching industry. Our conference gives teachers worldwide the chance to discover insights, techniques, and cutting-edge tools to take their teaching and career to new heights. We’ve also prepared a number of virtual meetups, Q&A sessions, and goodie bags to help you get the most out of the event. Completely free, catering for eight languages, and open to all teachers worldwide – you’re going to want to be there.

5000+ participants
40+ Speakers
3 days
Talks in 8 languages
Attend from anywhere




Scott Thornbury

Author, teacher trainer

John Hughes

Author, teacher trainer, teacher

Laura Wilkes

Podcast & video producer

Jamie Keddie

Teacher, trainer and storyteller

Ola Kowalska

Business coach for language teachers

Kirill Bigai

Preply CEO

Francine Pinto

Preply Senior Director of Supply Operations

Rubens Heredia

CELTA course tutor at Oxford TEFL

Andreia Zakime

Trinity DipTESOL Course Director at Oxford TEFL

Martina Monreal

Language Teacher and Administration Manager at Oxford House


Please note that the conference agenda is currently provisional and subject to change. All time slots are shown in Central European Time (CET)


time iconOctober 24, 2024 13:00

Welcome to the Preply Tutor Conference

speaker headshot Kirill Bigai
Preply CEO
speaker headshot Francine Pinto
Preply Senior Director of Supply Operations

We’re kicking off the conference with a warm welcome from Kirill Bigai, CEO and co-founder of Preply. He’ll dive into Preply’s vision, mission, and values, sharing some recent wins and what’s coming next. Then, Francine Pinto, our Senior Director of Supply Operations, will take the stage to show how Preply helps tutors grow their businesses and level up as professionals.

time iconOctober 24, 2024 14:00

7 simple secrets for writing super classroom materials

speaker headshot John Hughes
Author, teacher trainer, teacher

Writing classroom materials is a key skill for any teacher. Even if we use published materials, we still need to write tests, create video worksheets, design games, and plan discussion questions…the list is endless! Surprisingly, very few teachers ever receive formal training in materials writing. It’s assumed that we’ll just pick up the skills we need through trial and error. To save you some time and stress, I will introduce some basic principles for writing exercises and consider ways to analyse the flow of your materials. We’ll also consider how to integrate images into your materials and how to write materials at the appropriate level. Towards the end of the presentation, I’ll suggest ways to develop your writing skills by working with a ‘writing buddy’ and even suggest you try to get your materials published!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 15:00

Tips & Tricks for using ready-made lesson Plans

speaker headshot Jacob Young
speaker headshot Silvina Mascitti

Discover how pre-made lesson plans can transform your teaching experience! Let’s explore best practices for integrating them effectively and adapting them to suit your teaching style. Plus, you'll walk away with engaging resources that will streamline your prep and energize your lessons. Simplify your planning, and elevate your teaching!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 15:00

Creating a strong profile and strategy to attract new students

speaker headshot Rachel Story
Bridge Education

In the competitive world of online teaching, your profile is more than just a bio - it's your sales pitch. Join this conference talk to uncover the psychology behind successful sales, learn how to craft a compelling profile, and develop a strategy that draws in new students. Whether you're new to the teaching platform or looking to boost your student roster, this session will equip you with the tools to stand out and sell with confidence.

time iconOctober 24, 2024 15:45

Trouvez votre créneau : la clé pour booster vos revenus

speaker headshot Ali R.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Vous voulez vous démarquer et maximiser vos gains? Découvrez comment identifier et développer votre créneau d'expertise. Apprenez à devenir un expert reconnu dans votre domaine, tout en établissant des relations durables avec vos élèves. Grâce à des stratégies éprouvées et à l'intelligence émotionnelle, vous obtiendrez des résultats constants et augmenterez vos revenus. Venez découvrir les secrets pour réussir dans le monde du tutorat!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 15:45

The power of your mind: how changing the way you think will guarantee you more students

speaker headshot Ola Kowalska
Business coach for language teachers

Business isn't just about acquiring new skills—it's about changing your mindset to attract the success you deserve. As freelance language teachers, we often focus on perfecting our lesson plans or marketing strategies, but the real game-changer is how we think. This session will inspire you to harness the power of positive thinking, confidence, and resilience to magnetise more students to your classes. Learn how to shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, where opportunities flow effortlessly toward you.Through practical tips, real-life success stories, and actionable strategies, you'll discover how your thoughts can directly influence your success. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your student base, this session will empower you to break through mental barriers, boost your confidence, and create a thriving freelance teaching business. I hope to see you there!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 16:15

Flow like a pro: tips for designing smooth ESL lessons

speaker headshot Olia Korinets

Flow like a pro: tips for designing smooth ESL lessons: Keeping students engaged starts with a well-structured lesson plan. Join this talk and learn how to connect activities seamlessly, ensuring a cohesive and effective learning experience for your students.

time iconOctober 24, 2024 17:00

Consigue tus poderes de 'Super Tutor' en Preply.

speaker headshot Francisco Chalen
Tutor Performance Lead

¿Te gustaría saber qué se necesita para convertirte en un Super Tutor? Únete a nosotros para descubrir cómo puedes alcanzar este estatus y elevar tu carrera como docente en Preply. Sabemos que los estudiantes valoran a los tutores que son fiables, profesionales y solidarios, y reconocemos y premiamos estas cualidades. En esta charla, desglosaremos los pasos para obtener tu insignia de Super Tutor y exploraremos los beneficios que conlleva, incluyendo un mayor éxito en la plataforma de Preply. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de aprender cómo mejorar tu nivel como tutor!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 17:00

Being successful on Preply: How to maximize your earnings

speaker headshot Vedang Shriya
Tutor Performance Lead
speaker headshot Jacqueline R.
Preply tutor

Unlock the full potential of your tutoring career on Preply by learning actionable strategies to increase your earnings and teach more lessons. In this session, we'll also touch upon how to make your profile stand out. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your tutoring to the next level, this talk will provide you with practical tips and insights to boost your visibility, increase student retention, and ultimately, grow your income on Preply. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your tutoring business and achieve greater success on the platform!

time iconOctober 24, 2024 17:45

Behind-the-scenes of how we build Preply with tutor feedback

speaker headshot Chhavi Shirvastava
Design Lead
speaker headshot Marina Gomes
Senior Product Designer
speaker headshot Guillame Monetti
Senior Product Manager

Join us for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at how we at Preply build features keeping tutors and learners at our core.

Our speakers will be members of our product team - responsible for shaping up features you use everyday like home and insights! We will share how we regularly conduct user research, how we test early concepts, and meticulously track and implement suggestions from the community.

You'll gain insights into the iterative process that ensures that Preply continuously evolves to meet your needs as a tutor, creating a better teaching experience for everyone. Don't miss this opportunity to see how your feedback directly shapes the future of Preply!

time iconOctober 25, 2024 09:00

Was Konversationsschüler wirklich wollen - die unausgesprochenen Bedürfnisse

speaker headshot Christine H.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Möchtest du deine Schüler besser verstehen und langfristig binden? Tauche ein in die Welt der unausgesprochenen Bedürfnisse von Sprachlernenden! Lerne, verborgene Wünsche nach Rat, Geselligkeit und neuen Perspektiven zu erkennen und zu erfüllen. Erfahre, wie du auf diese Bedürfnisse ethisch und professionell reagieren kannst, ohne Grenzen zu überschreiten. Entdecke Strategien, um diese „zweite Agenda“ für den Sprachfortschritt zu nutzen und deine Schüler ganzheitlich zu unterstützen. Mache deine Konversationskurse zu wertvollen Erfahrungen, die weit über das Sprachenlernen hinausgehen!

time iconOctober 25, 2024 09:00

Personalizing lessons: Past journey, present needs, future goals

speaker headshot Edoardo D.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Discover how tapping into a student's past learning experiences helps you form a strong connection, address their current needs with precision, and set the stage for future achievements. In this talk, Edoardo will guide you through creating customized learning plans built on the foundation of your student's history, making them feel understood, supported, and excited to learn with you.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 09:00


speaker headshot Chen H.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors


time iconOctober 25, 2024 09:45

Gamify your lessons for unbeatable engagement

speaker headshot Maria P.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Want to boost motivation and engagement by transforming your lessons into exciting adventures? We'll explore how to create point systems, rewards, and challenges that make learning irresistible. Experience a live demo of gamified tutoring, learn how to overcome common challenges, and discover techniques to keep students coming back for more.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 09:45


speaker headshot Chie O.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors




time iconOctober 25, 2024 10:30

Keep students for longer: Lesson personalization & online presence

speaker headshot Maria R.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Former TV host Maria shares practical tips for supercharging your online presence and creating highly engaging lessons. You'll discover on-camera techniques to project enthusiasm and learn evidence-based strategies to tap into your student's internal motivation. Book your spot and create an irresistible teaching experience that makes your retention soar.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 10:30

Conversaciones visuales: cómo integrar la creación narrativa en el aula

speaker headshot Alicia A.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

¿Buscas revolucionar tus clases de conversación? Descubre cómo transformar imágenes, videos y gifs en poderosas herramientas de aprendizaje. Aprende técnicas de narración visual que impulsarán las habilidades lingüísticas de tus estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado. Exploramos actividades divertidas que mejoran la gramática, el vocabulario y la expresión oral y escrita, todo mientras estimulas la imaginación. Desde pequeños ejercicios para estudiantes tímidos hasta proyectos creativos más amplios, esta presentación te dará las herramientas para hacer que tus clases sean inolvidables. ¡Prepárate para ver cómo tus estudiantes se enamoran del idioma a través de la narración visual!

time iconOctober 25, 2024 10:30

تكوين عادات لتعلم اللغة

speaker headshot Ziad Abdalla
Customer Support Specialist (Preply)

Only for Preply tutors

ما هي المفاتيح الحقيقية لتعلّم لغة جديدة؟
هيا نستكشف معًا تلك العادات التي تساعدنا نحن وطلابنا على إتقان لغة أخرى. سنناقش طرق الممارسه و بعض الروتينات التي يمكننا تطبيقها في طرق تدريسنا، والتي من شأنها تحقيق نتائج أفضل من الأساليب التقليدية للتعليم. انضم إلينا لنكتشف العادات الدائمة للنجاح في تعلم اللغات المختلفة

time iconOctober 25, 2024 11:15

Your success in class - their success at work

speaker headshot Iris Smith
Learning Designer

In this talk, our lead B2B Learning Designer Iris Smith will give you practical advice on how you can support your corporate learners in transferring skills they practice in your lessons to real language they use at work. Become a key player in your students’ professional success by focusing your lessons on what is expected from them in their jobs. 

time iconOctober 25, 2024 11:15

Language Feedback

speaker headshot Lizzy Adams
Teaching House

Personalised language focussed feedback is one of the main benefits of one-to-one teaching, and can genuinely accelerate our learners’ progress. But how can we do it sensitively and effectively, with maximum retention and even some fun thrown in? In this talk, we will explore ways to upgrade learners’ language in meaning-focussed, holistic and motivating ways.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 12:00

Let's record short videos to build your teaching brand

speaker headshot Laura Wilkes
Podcast & video producer

Would you like to create videos that help grow your teaching brand and attract more students? In this workshop, we'll break down the creative process into steps so you can start storyboarding, scripting and recording high-quality videos on your mobile phone. This workshop will equip you with essential practices and tools, as well as templates that you can use to start planning your next batch of videos.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 13:00

Using Authentic Materials in the Online Classroom

speaker headshot Daria Mykytenko

Using authentic materials can make lessons more engaging and relevant, but it's all about how you do it! Join us for a practical session where we'll share tips on choosing, adapting, and using authentic materials to get your students excited and learning effectively.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 14:00

AI-powered Preply tutors

speaker headshot Emily Stott
Senior Product Manager
speaker headshot Dmytro Voloshyn
CTO & co-founder
speaker headshot Carrie Lillie
Learning Designer

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion on how generative AI is revolutionizing language learning. We'll explore how this cutting-edge technology empowers both tutors and learners, with real examples of how Preply is leveraging Gen AI to enhance the learning experience. Our expert panel will also be on hand to answer your burning questions about the future of AI in education.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 15:00

Our language is different

speaker headshot Scott Thornbury
Author, teacher trainer

Teachers of modern languages frequently resist adopting a ‘communicative methodology’ on the grounds that this was developed primarily for the teaching of English, and that, in their words, ‘our language is different’. Are language teaching approaches so language-specific, and if so why? And what might we be missing if we ignore what our colleagues down the hallway are doing?

time iconOctober 25, 2024 16:15

Tech tools: Planning engaging lessons & tracking progress

speaker headshot Andjela S.
Preply tutor
speaker headshot Justen B.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

We'll explore smart online tools that can cut down your planning time, boost student engagement, and help you measure success. Join us to unlock the power of technology in your lessons, helping you quickly create dynamic lessons that keep learners coming back for more.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 16:15

Impulsa tu enseñanza con un sencillo seguimiento de datos

speaker headshot Samantha L.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

¿Quieres que tu carrera como tutor despegue? ¡Aprende a aprovechar el poder de los datos para transformar tu enseñanza! Descubre un sistema simple basado en Excel que registra el progreso, preferencias y necesidades de los estudiantes en solo 5 minutos por clase. Este enfoque revolucionario facilita la planificación de lecciones, te ayuda a adaptar tus métodos a cada alumno y te muestra exactamente lo que funciona. Únete a nosotros para desbloquear los secretos de la enseñanza basada en datos y observa cómo tu eficacia se dispara. Aumenta la satisfacción y retención de tus estudiantes, y tu propio crecimiento como educador, ¡todo con una herramienta fácil de implementar!

time iconOctober 25, 2024 17:00

Unlock your students' potential: Career coaching for language tutors

speaker headshot Alma V.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Elevate your teaching impact by becoming more than just a language tutor. Learn how to guide your students towards professional success while enhancing their language skills. Discover practical techniques to help students build their personal brand, boost confidence, and achieve career goals. This workshop equips you with powerful coaching tools to understand your students' aspirations, address their challenges, and inspire growth. Join us to transform your lessons into stepping stones for your students' dream careers!

time iconOctober 25, 2024 17:00

Cómo usar IA para clases de ELE personalizadas

speaker headshot Leonardo R.
Preply tutor

¿Quieres crear clases de español personalizadas y divertidas en minutos? Descubre cómo ChatGPT puede transformar tu enseñanza de ELE. Aprende a usar comandos específicos para generar actividades de lectura, ejercicios de conjugación y mucho más. Explora técnicas para adaptar el contenido a las necesidades únicas de cada estudiante. Optimiza tu tiempo de preparación y haz que tus clases sean irresistibles. Únete a nosotros para desbloquear el potencial de la IA en la enseñanza de idiomas. Prepárate para cautivar a tus estudiantes y llevar tus clases de español al siguiente nivel.

time iconOctober 25, 2024 17:00

Embrace the unknown: Turn tough questions into teaching triumphs

speaker headshot Laura M.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Ever been stumped by a student's question in class? Imagine feeling confident encouraging your students to find the answer themselves, supporting them in the process, and turning tricky questions into powerful learning opportunities. Experienced TESOL educator Laura M. will help you do exactly that by exploring techniques that build trust, foster curiosity, and engage students in the hunt for answers. On top of that, you'll learn how to identify gaps in your knowledge and build a professional development plan.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 10:00

Boostez votre tutorat avec Google Workspace

speaker headshot Zoé P.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Vous voulez automatiser des tâches, communiquer sans effort avec les étudiants et augmenter l'engagement ? Google Workspace peut faire tout cela et bien plus encore. Rejoignez la tutrice Preply Zoé pour découvrir comment créer des leçons interactives sur Google Slides, économiser du temps d'organisation avec Google Drive, et trouver des plugins qui élèveront votre enseignement à un niveau supérieur.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 10:00

Revision techniques: The secret to making language stick

speaker headshot Hanna K.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Want your students to truly remember what they learn? Discover how revision techniques can revolutionize your teaching. We'll explore neuroscience-based methods to naturally incorporate revision into lessons. You'll learn zero-prep activities and strategies to boost student autonomy. Join us to uncover how spaced repetition and lexical journaling can transform your students' language learning. Equip yourself with practical tools to make every lesson more effective and memorable!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 10:00

Mastering AI for personalized teaching

speaker headshot Samrat B.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

In the age of AI, discover how to blend technology with the irreplaceable human touch. Learn to harness AI for streamlined lesson planning, ultra-personalized resources, and enhanced feedback techniques. We'll explore practical ways to use AI as your teaching assistant, not your replacement. Uncover the secrets to creating deep human connections that keep students coming back. Join us to transform your teaching, boost student engagement, and stay ahead in the evolving world of online education!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 10:45

Analisi dei bisogni: la chiave per motivare e fidelizzare i tuoi studenti

speaker headshot Giulia B.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Vuoi studenti soddisfatti che tornano sempre? Scopri come un'analisi dei bisogni efficace può trasformare il tuo insegnamento. Esploreremo insieme strategie pratiche per comprendere le esigenze dei tuoi allievi e personalizzare le lezioni. Imparerai a creare questionari mirati e a utilizzare le informazioni raccolte per mantenere alta la motivazione. Unisciti a noi per sviluppare competenze che renderanno i tuoi studenti più felici e fedeli!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 12:00

Assessment strategies your students will love

speaker headshot Sima T.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Discover how to seamlessly weave assessment into your lessons to boost confidence and engagement. We'll explore innovative techniques like observational assessment, self-reflection tools, and project-based evaluation that highlight progress without causing exam anxiety. From technological tools to self-assessment and evaluation, you'll gain the assessment techniques needed to help your students thrive!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 12:00

Desafía a tus estudiantes avanzados con el poder del storytelling

speaker headshot Judith M.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

¿Buscas sacar a tus estudiantes avanzados de su zona de confort? Descubre técnicas innovadoras para potenciar su dominio del español. Aprende a utilizar el análisis del discurso para mejorar la comunicación efectiva. Explora cómo la escritura creativa y el storytelling pueden enriquecer la expresión, aprovechando la naturaleza descriptiva del español. Obtén herramientas prácticas para incorporar expresiones idiomáticas y jugar con el lenguaje. Ideal para profesores de adultos que buscan desafiar a sus estudiantes B2-C2. Transforma tus clases en experiencias cautivadoras que mantendrán a tus alumnos comprometidos y ansiosos por seguir aprendiendo.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 12:00

Mediação em aulas de português: Desbloqueie o potencial dos seus alunos

speaker headshot Bárbara M.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Quer transformar os seus alunos em aprendizes autónomos? Descubra o poder da mediação nas aulas de português! Explore técnicas inovadoras que estimulam o autodesenvolvimento dos estudantes sob a sua orientação. Aprenda o que é mediação, como aplicá-la e ganhe um arsenal de atividades práticas prontas para uso. Junte-se a nós para revolucionar as suas aulas, tornando-as mais interativas e eficazes. Os seus alunos agradecerão pelo impulso na aprendizagem!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 12:45

AI-powered roleplays: Personalized business English training

speaker headshot Ronald M.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

Enhance your business lessons by using AI to create industry-specific roleplays that engage your students and mirror real scenarios. You'll learn how to harness AI tools to generate authentic dialogue, practice pronunciation, and improve listening skills. Come along if you're ready to explore the future of language teaching, save time creating interactive lessons, and prepare students for professional success.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 12:45

Self-directed professional development: Navigating your online PD journey

speaker headshot Ed Dudley
Oxford University Press

Self-directed professional development is about equipping teachers with the tools to navigate their own learning paths. In this talk, I will explore how teachers can take charge of their professional growth using a variety of online resources. I’ll share a practical framework for tailoring PD to individual needs, and provide some concrete examples of possible next steps you could take to further your own self-directed PD.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 13:30

Get certified on Preply

speaker headshot Nicola Meldrum
Tutor Development Specialist

Did you know that Preply offers a comprehensive course on "How to Teach a Language"? This talk is your chance to dive deeper into the course and discover how it can enhance your teaching skills and elevate your profile on Preply’s platform. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your approach, this course is designed to help you grow as an educator and stand out to potential students. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can take your teaching to the next level with Preply.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 14:30

Panel discussion: English language teaching qualifications

speaker headshot Rubens Heredia
CELTA course tutor at Oxford TEFL
speaker headshot Andreia Zakime
Trinity DipTESOL Course Director at Oxford TEFL
speaker headshot Simon Dunton
Trinity College London
speaker headshot Iryna A.
Preply tutor

Curious about how an English language teaching qualification can boost your career and enhance your teaching skills? Join us for this discussion, where we'll break down what these qualifications entail and the doors they can open for you. Our expert panel will share their insights and be ready to answer any questions you might have.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 14:30

10 pasos para comenzar tu carrera como profesora de español

speaker headshot Martina Monreal
Language Teacher and Administration Manager at Oxford House

Descubre 10 pasos esenciales para iniciar y hacer crecer tu carrera como profesor de español. Desde obtener certificaciones hasta construir una presencia en línea, esta charla te guiará a través de las estrategias necesarias para destacar y atraer estudiantes en un mercado competitivo.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 15:15

El poder de la cultura y la empatía en la enseñanza de idiomas

speaker headshot Cibeles Andreína H.
Preply tutor
speaker headshot Minerva F.
Preply tutor

Only for Preply tutors

¿Quieres transformar tus clases de idiomas en experiencias culturales inolvidables? Descubre cómo incorporar aspectos culturales y empatía para cautivar a tus estudiantes. Aprende a identificar diferencias culturales, crear recursos didácticos únicos y monetizar tu conocimiento cultural. Exploraremos estrategias prácticas para conectar con estudiantes de diferentes orígenes culturales, adaptarnos a sus necesidades únicas y crear un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo. Únete a nosotros para elevar tu perfil profesional, aumentar la retención de estudiantes y abrir nuevas oportunidades de ingresos. ¡Convierte tus clases en puentes culturales que tus alumnos adorarán cruzar!

time iconOctober 26, 2024 15:15

A story-based approach to video

speaker headshot Jamie Keddie
Teacher, trainer and storyteller

What is it about language teachers and video? Why do we feel the need to turn to sites like YouTube as a source of material and inspiration? Adverts, short films, and TikTok videos might be fun and entertaining. But why bring them into our teaching spaces?
The answer is simple. Like all human beings, language learners need narrative. As teachers, we intuitively know this and video provides us with a constant stream of visual stories to engage them.
In this practical talk, you will learn a simple but original approach called "videotelling" which brings the story and the people to the front of the class. You will learn to maximise students' engagement with the narrative and get them speaking, writing and critically thinking.

time iconOctober 26, 2024 16:00

Closing presentation

Celebrate the end of our conference with a reflection on the highlights, key insights, and connections made! We’ll also announce prize winners, with rewards like exclusive resources and course access. Plus, get a sneak peek at future events and continued learning opportunities. Let’s close with a shared vision for the future of online education!


Our partners and collaborators

Meet some of our partners at their virtual booths, attend their talks, and receive their content and discount coupons in your conference swag bag.
Our partnerships are based on a shared commitment to help teachers thrive. No financial exchange is involved; we’ve teamed up to bring valuable insights and resources to tutors worldwide!


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Frequently asked questions

Preply is a leading global marketplace for online language learning. We believe that learning with a great tutor is life-changing, so we've made it our mission to connect learners with language teachers worldwide.

But we do more than just facilitate connection. We empower tutors to create personalized classes with AI-powered tools and content and invest in their professional development by providing courses, webinars, and events like this!
We decided to make this year's conference extra special by opening our virtual doors to all tutors worldwide, no matter where (or what subject) they teach. So if you're eager to develop your career and deliver exceptional learning outcomes, this conference is for you!
Our conference is completely free, but you do need to register to secure your spot.
  • Already a Preply tutor?
    Choose to register as a Preply tutor. You'll be asked to sign in with your Preply credentials or (if you're already logged in) you'll go straight to the confirmation page.
  • Not a Preply tutor?
    Choose to register as a guest and fill out the registration form to gain access to selected conference sessions.
Want access to all the sessions? Apply to become a Preply tutor!

You can still register as a guest to secure your spot. Once you have registered as Preply tutor, simply email tutordevelopment@preply.com to update your registration type and gain access to even more sessions!
This is an online event that will take place on 3 consecutive days, from the 24th October until the 26th. There will be multiple parallel sessions.
Our sessions are designed to unlock your career potential, covering essential topics such as tutor qualifications and professional development, student retention and engagement techniques, and strategies to maximize your income.

We have 5 types of sessions:
  • Industry experts: Attend insightful presentations and panel discussions featuring industry leaders who'll share their expertise.
  • Preply tutors: Gain valuable advice from some of our top tutors, who will share their experiences and offer practical tips for success.
  • Preplers: Engage with Preply employees, who will provide inside perspectives and guidance on how to leverage the platform for your career growth.
  • Panel discussions: Participate in interactive panel discussions where experts and tutors discuss current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the tutoring industry.
  • Tutor Café: Connect with fellow tutors from around the world, exchange best practices, and build your professional network.
You’ll receive your login details via email within 3 days of registering. Once you have your details, return to this page to log in to the virtual conference space. This is where you'll be able to see the program when it's available, create your personalized conference calendar, and join sessions.

We'll make the conference space accessible in the weeks leading up to the conference start date, so you might not be able to log in immediately. But don't worry – we'll email you when it's open.

If you don’t receive an email with your login details or need further assistance, please email us at tutordevelopment@preply.com

Having your camera on is not required, but we highly encourage it to help you connect with other participants.
Yes, the event will be recorded and shared with Preply tutors in the Preply Tutors Academy. However, joining live gives you the full experience by letting you connect with fellow tutors, engage with the speakers, and ask questions in real time.